It’s the new year, and it’s time to dream, to think, to wonder. Inspiration can be found in so many places, books, magazines, blogs. I dream of a gated garden, beautifully aged wood, white washed, and weathered. With soft pink rambling roses gracefully arching as they practice their yoga. The thorns are retracted so they do not scratch the cats as they parade on the top of the fence. The cats pacing makes them look like trapeze artists, as their well fed tummies wobble back and forth when they stop to playfully swat at a bee. The sun dapples the trees feet, the breeze is soft, and warm. The promise of a life lived, loved, and still to come.

There are hills and hollyhocks in my gated garden, the hollyhocks act as if they are the reason for the picket fence to be holding it’s self so upright. But we know it is the green grass, and the wildflowers outside of the garden that lovingly hold up the fence. The veggies may say that they are the reason the garden is so lovely, with it’s raised beds, and beautiful gravel paths.

But it is the gate that will draw your eye. Antique, solid, and with a history of being wired, and repaired, it’s original galvanized metal painted so many times it is still chipping, and textured. The creaking sound it makes as we push it open an integral part of the experience of the garden. A soft welcome to new friends. So far I have only seen them in shops, but one day I will find my gate. And then I will have the gated garden of my dreams.