Winter’s darkness is reaching into our lives and it’s not even here yet. You have to admire a season that has us shaking in our boots almost a entire month before it starts. It could be due to the sudden change in temperature, or it could just be the days that are getting darker earlier each day. It’s not easy to deal with winter whether it’s here now, or coming soon. So here are some tips to help you out.
- Keep it bright – turn some lights on, open the curtains, make your space as cheery as possible. Add in some sparkling ornaments for a little bling.
- Keep it warm, a little heat goes a long way to keeping the winter outside, where it belongs and dress for the weather.
- Grow something indoors, even if it’s only a few green onion bottoms with roots in a glass of water, to see something growing in the winter is to believe that spring is coming one day.
- Seed catalogues… optimism in book form, if there are pictures it must be true that summer will return one day.

- Plan your garden, even if it is covered with snow, planning now will save you time next spring.
- Bring the outdoors in, pinecones, boughs, wreaths, greenery all add some winter festivities to your home.
- Enlarge, and print out some colorful flower photos, a good reminder of warm days, color photocopies are a inexpensive way to add some flash to your life.

- Feed the birds, the poor little things are cold also, and truly appreciate the free meal.
- Get outside, nothing makes you appreciate indoors like a good brisk walk in the cold.

If you have any good hints on keeping winter willies away be sure to share them in the comments. Brrrr…