Thanksgiving is over.
Nothing more then a jiggle.
on the hips, here in Canada.
We [ahem, hint, hint] have it in October.
It’s over, and Christmas is on it’s way.
I’ve got ideas, I’ve got plans.
I’ve got greens, and I’ve got pine cones, and branches.
Now, doesn’t that sound like I”m going to burst into song and dance… I’ve got rhythm… I’ve got blues… [and cold toes which doesn’t rhyme with cones, but what can you expect].
I think that’s from some musical or other… it’s too cold to think what it might be right now.

But I was looking at the calendar, and lo, yonder in my brain, there is a bright light, there aren’t that many days before Christmas.
My brain was whirling, like it is wont to do at times… and horary, it’s not even 3 am, my goodness this is unusual.
So I was thinking I need a theme for Christmas, something that inspired me to actually take more photos, and enjoy doing it at the same time. A continuing feeling, a sense of atmosphere, a thought process through the month of December that carries me along, making blogging, and looking forward to writing posts enjoyable, no more of that “honey are you done, the show is coming on any second, where are you?” stuff for me.
This should last a few days, or until the light drops too much to take photos
Hey, I’m a realist, but I try not to be.
We were out yesterday at the farm, gathering greens, it was beautiful, bright, the sun was shining, the temperature was cold below zero. There was hoar frost on the grass, fresh bear prints on the bridge, and a mist from the melting water causing the sun to stream through the branches.
The dogs were running around with such a sense of giddiness that they had to take a dip in the frozen creek numerous times… nothing like a hot dog, and a cold dip after a sauna.

Count the toes, yes there are more then 5, that my dears is not human!
My fingers were cold, the buttons on my camera seemed to stick, and each time I looked in the viewfinder I was worried that the LCD screen would get too frosty and not thaw out later. Got to remember not to breath when I take a photo in cold weather.but it was fun.
Gathering is fun.
Gathering sounds like a great theme to me. After all isn’t a great part of Christmas the excitement leading up to the day? The gathering of family, friends, decorations, food, gifts?

So I bring you my new Christmas theme… Gathering.
Make of it what you may…
Think of it as the 12 days of Christmas, spread out over 3 posts a week, Muddy Boot Dreams style. Hope that you will tune in as soon as you finish your turkey dinner, because I’ve got greens, and I’ve got pine cones… Now I just need to mull this over for a day or so.

I know, I forget that not everyone hears those songs in their head, see you Friday.