My Way of Living + Story

On a Wednesday… my world?

There are things that happen mid week that get quickly swept under the rug of life, shredded little crumbs of funny, poignant things, and sweet happy things that go crunch.
I keep forgetting to share them with you.

Church steeple in fog

There should be a app for that. One that Bloggers could download forfree onto their phones, containing the pieces and snippets, thoughts, ideas, and inspirations that flow through our minds in the middle of whenever.
I talked about that in, “The 2 am bloggers social club.”
Maybe I’m repeating my self here, but hey universe? A app, please?
It would email them all back to us when our blogging lacks inspiration, when we need that all important creative boost, or just when we wanted to remember something that tickles the back of our mind.
Only those words, thoughts, ideas that pertain to what we were writing at the time… like a huge storage unit of ideas, all sorted by category, and every one of them our very own.
Wouldn’t that be cool?
On the subject of cool.
Have you heard of f.lux, it’s free for your computer. If you are a night owl, early morning person, or just a normal middle aged person who tends to be staring at the screen too long in the darkening room like me you might find it helpful. My eyes were tired from reading the screen f.lux has made a difference in how they feel after looking at the screen in artificial light.

Trees on the street in fog

I am only recommending it as a Blogger, this is not a promotional spiel. It changes the blue light emitted by computers, warming up your monitor display. You can easily disable it by clicking a box to edit photos.
It also makes it easier to write stupendously, wonderful, and spectacular blog posts, no just kidding, you will have to wait until someone creates a app for that.
They are going to have to create two apps for sure, one for the ideas, the other to write the posts.
Homemade turkey rice soup.
Oh, by the way, total change of subject.
That’s what I smell wafting through the house right now… cooling on the counter before it goes in the fridge.
Like it, hate it?
Gosh I like it, as long as it’s not too thick.
And in case you were wondering why I can smell the soup, blog posts are usually written by the flickering light of evening. Last minute, hurriedly, and before my tired head goes to rest on the keyboard. Thank goodness for post scheduling.

Trees on boulevard

When I write I allow myself some of the ever decreasing Halloweenie candy… thank goodness Halloween is coming soon. The stash is getting so low in the hiding spot that there might not be enough for the kiddies.
Rockets… the tubes of sweet/sour little button shaped sugar laden citric acid including candies… I’m crazy for them, and there is a trail of plastic wrappers everywhere… don’t tell.
I also have a Bootsie story, and it is completely about being wide awake at 4:30 am… thanks for the morning wake up calls Boo.
But my eyes, and my tired head need a rest, so maybe I finish this on Friday?
I’m writing myself a note in order to remember, but just imagine if they had created that Blogging app already for us… I could just speak into my phone, and it would sort it all out and email it to me on Thursday night. And then the Boo could wake me up at 4:30 am in order write it.
And wouldn’t life be grand.

Blog, Blogging, Dream, HAPPY, Inspiration, RUN, and more:

On a Wednesday… my world? + Story