Saturday night, we [well, some of us] experienced a sensation that we had moved up here to avoid. A 7.7 magnitude earthquake that shook the coast of British Columbia, near Vancouver Island, the third largest ever recorded in this area, and triggered a Tsunami warning across the ocean. Only problem it was felt up here also, over 900 miles away. It was strong enough to sway the chandies on the ceiling at our neighbours house, their little dog unsettled, and barking. Have you ever been through a earthquake? Did the buildings move, any damage?
It happened around 8:00 pm Saturday night, I was starting to relax on the couch while my nephew showed us his photos which are amazing, the couch was comfy, and warm, dinner was good, and I just drifted off. I think I fell asleep for a minute, we all missed it completely, and found out about it today.
I’m glad we missed the rumbling, since we moved from the coast to get away from those worries… we were always aware of the possibilities of the earth shaking, and have gone through a few ourselves. When we lived in the condo by the ocean, those kind of things worried me in the middle of the night. It’s not something to take lightly, and that’s why we decided to move to the Okanagan, and not the Vancouver Island area.
It was reported on the news that this was larger then the ones that destroyed parts of Haiti, and New Zealand, but because it happened in a relatively isolated area no one was hurt. It also was a different plate then the South Coast fault that they are keeping a watch on, and for that we are thankful, because that area is highly populated, it would be a disaster.
With hurricane Sandy bearing down on the other side of the country, we realize just how fortunate those on the West Coast are to have gone through this, and had little or no repercussions… my thoughts and prayers go out to those who are going through the hurricane.