Everyone has a way to deal with stress, and I find that kneading bread dough is a great one for me. The bonus is that we end up with a really nice loaf of bread, or dessert in the end, and the house smells great. The kneading part counters all the calories, so it’s a win, win situation… can you smell the bread baking? Of course this pumpkin bread has no calories in it, it’s dairy free. Yes, I am sure you believe that one.
I made this pumpkin pull apart bread the other day, so it is dairy free, but it’s not gluten free, I just had a little nibble… well, maybe slightly more then that. Kneading is a art form, I remember my Mom teaching me when I was young, once you know how, it’s like riding a bike again after all those years… it just comes back. The rhythm of the push dough, and pull dough… the smooth elasticity of the gluten, [does it mean anything that I keep misspelling gluten?].
There is a smooth comfort in being able to pummel a piece of dough and watch it come back to life. With a yeast dough, the more you push, pull, and smear it, the nicer it is, and how much in life can we do that to?
So the next time you feel a burst of stress coming into your life, grab some dough, and knead away at it, the results will surprise you, stress free, firm arm muscles, and a really good loaf of bread.
The recipe that I used was adapted from one I got off of Pinterest, but you could just add some extra sugar, and about a 1/2 cup of pumpkin, along with some spices to a ordinary recipe. The dough is sprinkled with brown sugar, and spices, I used melted coconut oil to be dairy free. It turned out really good, and actually was quite simple to make. There is no after photo, because it was gone that fast… Kneading to push something around No bun intended…