I started a blog to share some of my photos, the huge emailed files were clogging up my friends inboxes, and what better way of recording my garden through the seasons.
I’d been sending photos of flowers, petals, stems, upside, underside, flowers in shadows, in bright light, with overlays, without textures, in black and white… if it was a flower it seems that I took a photo of it. Eventually accumulating over 20,000 of them. I had very patient friends, or else they were quick on the delete button when I sent those files, thank goodness I will never know that answer.
It’s a total cliche apparently… get a camera, take tons of photos of flowers, send them to your friends, but what can I tell you, I can now take a good flower portrait.
I learned to take a good photo because blogging taught me that. And I expanded beyond flowers.
Blogging is also what turned a small, quiet, inner voice, the very one that used to speak to my heart in a whisper, saying “look at the way the light hits the leaves and makes them shimmer like crystals, do you see how the sun on the mountainside is gilding the fir trees” and turning away because when it spoke no one listened, and some laughed at it.
It was shy that inner voice, and the laughter hurt.
Blogging and your support has made it a stronger more confident voice that has learned to speak up, and share what it feels, and rarely do people laugh at it anymore.
And I suppose if they do, then that’s life isn’t it, not everyone is going to understand everything it has to say.
It’s also a voice that may take over blog posts, insisting that the topic go left, or right, or even change full course. U sually right after most of the post is written, and the clock is clicking fast, it’s timing is nothing short of annoying at times.
It’s not just a blog it’s a connection, a meeting up with those who like what we like, that spark that flows through the computer screen, and makes us nod in agreement, saying yes, that’s me.
They’ve got me to a “T”, they understand, or that’s a product that I might be interested in, maybe even hey there’s a tutorial on something that I was wondering how to do the other day.
Might be that we love the way they write, their style of photography speaks to our heart.
They have a way of presenting ordinary objects with joy.
Blogs are a outlet for our creativity, for our opinions, for our wish to share what we see, and how we see it.
Saying it’s just a blog, really doesn’t begin to describe what it is. I want to say thank you to all who visit, and are leaving such supportive comments on my last post. Yes, I am still blogging, and will do so for as long as you want to read my posts, and most likely continue even if you don’t, it’s in me to blog. That post wasn’t about taking a break, it was about feeling blogging guilt because I can’t keep up with visiting, and commenting. And i thank all of those who are letting me know that they understand.
I am trying to visit your blogs when I can, life is demanding a good share of my time but know that I am trying my best.
I need to write, these words come from my heart, wind through my mind, sprout from the pen, transferring themselves into letters scratched on scraps of paper scattered through out the house.
The camera also calls, demands, pleads to be taken out for a joy ride… despite the less then perfect weather some days.
Because that is what blogging is made of.