It’s raining today, after many, many wonderful bright sunny days, the weather forecaster is finally correct. Misty, this is not, it’s a true summer rain, almost heavy winter rain, the kind that we get all of November through April. A few seasons ago I wrote in despair about how the Eskimo’s had so many words for snow, and we had only a few for rain. Although apparently it is a myth that they have so many words, It seemed to me that living in a climate with this much liquid falling from the sky we should have a entire repertoire of words that could aptly describe the feeling of wet as it falls upon the earth. That was hands down, my most popular post, go figure? Seems like there are many people out there busily goggling the words for rain. Anything to avoid going out in it, I guess.
A summer rain is different then a winter rain, for one thing it is less wet, less cold, and less of a shock to the system. We are rejoicing when we get a summer rain, unless it happens to fall on the long weekend, which here in BC seems to happen a lot. We have a saying around here, if it’s raining, it must be a long weekend. So I bring you, “words for rain” summer version. Feel free to add your own in your comments. While these are words for a summer rain, I did use some of the winter rain words.
Misty, wet, damp, liquid sunshine [as if] softly falling, cloaking, precipitation, splash, soaking, soaker, gentle, shower, droplets, dewy, wet, monsoon, deluge, soggy, dripping, saturated, LOL. I could go on, and on…