My Way of Living + Words

Blogs, baking, and starting over

What if I just started all over again? When Go Daddy had a epic fail yesterday after a hacker got into the nest and shut them down, my blog and it is estimated millions of other small business’s blogs and websites disappeared also. But I didn’t know at the time that’s what it was. It was all gone, ack, what had I done I thought, and here I don’t even know how to write HTML code.


Typical of me to think that just because I took a peek under the hood of my blog yesterday that I screwed up something. Anyways, for a while the thought did cross my mind starting a new blog. A fresh chance, because it seemed that there was no way of finding or fixing this one.


And then reality startled me back to normal, first, I’d miss all of you, hopefully you would miss me, then there’s the… well all that other stuff I’ve worked hard at figuring out. And now that I haven’t done it for a while, I’ve forgotten how to do it. So no, Muddy Boot Dreams is here to stay for awhile, unless Go Daddy has problems again.


Finally after weeks, months even, we have cooler temperatures, the windows are wide open, the sprinkling rain is welcomed with open arms. Baking, boiling down of tomatoes, two pots worth of tomato sauce coming up. Peach and plum freezer jam, peach and raspberry crumble, it’s been a busy day.


When your blog goes down, what else can you do, but the things that you should be doing anyways.


Those chores are out of the way, and onwards and upwards… besides I couldn’t think of a new blog name that would work for me, even during all the time I was chopping tomatoes so I was rather relieved when the blog came back. Baking, boiling, and bloggin… PS: Just for a lark, I am using photos from last September, I loved comparing how far along the turn of Autumn is up here, to down there.

Blog, HOPE, Life, and more:

Blogs, baking, and starting over + Words