My only guess is that we grumbled about the summer heat a little too much, those days of soaring temperatures, and hot sun are just a distant memory. Really distant, oh, and they are a little wet, musty, and damp due to the large amount of rain we have had lately. What’s up with September, we usually get a beautiful few weeks of sunshine, warm days, and cooler nights. Now we have had nothing but hard winter rain for the last few weeks. When we were in Armstrong, up in the Okanagan, home of the “oh sure call it rain if you like, but this is nothing” we for the first time up there experienced a wet coast rain. You’ll know the kind if you live any where on the coast, the kind that penetrates your very skin. Soaking, dripping, saturating everything, and the dampness that invades your clothing doesn’t go away until next August.

The wonderful IPE fair, where it only rains on the first day, which is historically Thursday, was full of rain. The Saturday night that we went, it poured for over 2 hours. Armstrong doesn’t get rain, and when it does, it doesn’t last for more then a few minutes. There were so many shocked people hiding under eves, darting into buildings, and squeaking in the bleachers, as they stomped their soaked flip flops up the pathways it was actually crowed.

Everything more or less shut down, the rides had no lineups, the rodeo was delayed, and the cotton candy melted on it’s sticks. The mini doughnuts wouldn’t fry, and the caramel apples were gloppy. And worst of all, my camera doesn’t like the rain, so I could barely get any shots all weekend. It was rather funny to be up there, [from the wet coast], overhearing everyone talk about the rain, all we heard was"never seen it rain like this before, have you?” Yep! Been there, done that, LOL.