We all blog for different reasons, some for fame, some for money, some just because if we don’t get those words out they will overflow and douse the flame that is our creativity. But let me introduce you to my wicked twin Comparison, I really don’t want her in my life. I don’t like her. She likes to compare my blog to those of the big bloggers, the ones with readership in quadruple digits + and I don’t want to do that.
My evil twin Comparison
and I need to break up.
That’s it Comparison, we are through, I need to be true to my heart.

She’s always showing me other bloggers that have become amazingly successful, pointing out webinars, and online tutorials on how to grow your blog in just 30 days. She is always talking about SEO’s, market shares, and niche marketing, while that may be interesting, I just can’t go there right now. Then she has the nerve to point out the success of Bloggers that have turned a rotten pallet into a 2 story summer cottage, thrown a party the same day for the entire neighbourhood, using gourmet food that they bartered for during their last pilgrimage to photography New York City’s private gardens.

Part of me wants to be that blogger, but it’s not going to happen anytime soon, sure I can turn out a hand painted sign or two, oh about every 3 months. I still haven’t painted that pink bathroom, and we will have a periwinkle living room until I get inspired enough to paint it. Comparison my evil twin, is always showing me bloggers who start up a new blog, and suddenly are overwhelmed with so many comments that they have to write a post on why they can’t reply to their comments. I may have fewer comments, but I can respond to them in person, in the process I get to know my readers, and what they like to see, and read. Let Comparison agonize over my stats, she can have them.

I write about what I love, from deep in my heart, the quirky things that occur in my life, and occasionally I have a good tip to pass along. Of course those big girl bloggers influence me, who wouldn’t be awed by what they are achieving, but this is me, my blog, and my life, and that’s it for now. I photograph things that mean something to me, and in the process my readers, and my blog have made me a much better photographer. I appreciate each and every comment that my readers make. My wicked twin Comparison might not like that as much as having a huge amount of comments, but I like it. Sure I may incorporate a idea or two, everyone likes to improve their blog, but I am going to be writing, and photographing what I love. Write from the heart, be real, write about what you love. From the heart……