My Way of Living + Things

Another unexpected visitor

We have another unexpected visitor, but we love this one. And we don't want her to leave. It's my sister, Turf Toter. She has come down from her hectic turf farming and phone answering, asparagus growing, family raising life, to relax on the coast. And she has brought us goodies. Ripe cherries from the Okanagan, luscious carrots, and my favorite garlic.
Fresh just pulled from the garden. Oh I am in heaven!!!!
Of course Bootsie doesn't like this strange visitor, who smells of different cats, and dogs. Farm scents that only he can smell. And the garlic drying on the doorstep? That's something to bat a paw at, and worry about. Eventually he is going to be hungry enough to come in and investigate.
The best gift she brought was the honey. Imagine, Amaretto, and Black Currant Liqueur. On my organic yogurt in the morning.
Yummy, now I just need to hide it from the G.A., because my honey loves honey.
She is staying in the spare room where the computer is, and enjoying a really good sleep-in. We are more than happy to have her visit.
Now if only I could get to my computer early in the morning…

family, Garden, HAPPY, Performance, and more:

Another unexpected visitor + Things