I love going out in the garden and cutting fresh flowers, I usually do this every second morning after I finish watering the garden. It’s simple enough to do, and only takes a few minutes. Bootsie loves to wander along with me, he gets some exercise and bonding time also. How many vases are too many in your house? And where should they go? Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom. It’s after I come in and have to collect and wash all the vases that the simplicity disappears. As I go from room to room collecting and cleaning up the mess the flowers leave behind, I wonder why I keep doing this?

Why not just have a vase near the kitchen window, and one on the table. In fact why not have a single lovely flower in a vase, it’s easier to clean up, less work, and still very beautiful. Do you cut flowers from your garden, and bring them inside, or do you purchase them from the store.

Gathering up the flowers isn’t hard, it’s cleaning the vases, and the mess left behind. And I keep on doing it, over and over. Do you throw them away as soon as they fade?

I know we sometimes overwork ourselves, and lose the pleasure that we thought it would bring, I am happy until I face the vases of half dead, wilting, flowers from days before. In fact each time I pass by a vase I mentally check mark it in my mind as must be replaced.

But I still cut the mounds of flowers, and fill the vases, because bothersome as it is to see them fade, the very act of cutting them and bringing them inside gives me so much pleasure. Is it necessary? For me yes. It’s was one of my Muddy Boot Dreams, my own garden, and fresh flowers for as much of the year as possible. Snipping stems…