Letting go and letting the words find a spot on the page isn’t something that I can easily turn on and off. To really be able to express myself I have to live in the moment, feel it deeply in my heart and have this great need to share. It’s a fragile bubble, easily burst by distractions, noise, worry, anything can break that translucent film. How do you Blog from the heart ♥ It’s easiest when I have a sense of something almost nagging at me to be let out, to be heard.

When I am doing a mundane task, like driving, [I’m joking] folding laundry, vacuuming, cleaning that kind of everyday thing. And as I work the post more or less writes itself. The words form themselves and fly out, if there is nowhere for them to land they float off into the air. Lost… it’s important to get them down in some form right away.

Some are lost blog posts that I write in the early morning hours… the ones that sound to me so concise, and interesting, and then they are gone. All because I didn’t get up and write them down. But at 4 am who wants to get out of bed.

Some are inspired by a moment, sitting on the deck, fresh breeze blowing, birds chirping, a discovery of a new flower blooming. I can almost touch the emotion it feels so real, and it’s so easy to write. It’s as if I am capturing a memory, and retelling it.

Those are my heartfelt blogging moments, but I am interested in how you come up with your posts? Do you have a idea of what you want to write before you sit down at the computer? Or do you just sit, and it flows out, creativity set free. Writing…