My Way of Living + Time

Mouth to froggy resuscitation

The sound of trickling water can cool

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you down nicely on a hot day, so having a water feature in the garden has been on my to do list for some time. Finally got around to doing it the other day, found a gorgeously turquoise bucket, and dug out cement froggy to use as a spitter. Miraculously all the tubing fit together like a charm, and I poured in the water, adjusted froggy and sat back waiting to hear the trickling cool sounds. Nothing, just the hollow drone of the water pump. No water was coming out of froggie’s mouth.


I poked and prodded, covered and squeezed, nothing would come out of froggy, he had very bad indigestion it seemed. Then I had a idea, kiss the frog and give him mouth to froggy resuscitation.


One very frog like belch later, dirt and mud came out of him, and voila a water feature was up and trickling.


Now I hope that little Momma bird can drop by in between feeding the babies and catch a drop or two of refreshing water.


Rib bit……

Day, HOPE, and more:

Mouth to froggy resuscitation + Time