If you are of a certain age you might remember the days when almost everything was closed on Sundays. Family dinners meant setting out the good china, and maybe even the real silver. No one cut the lawn at 8 am, and there was definitely no blow drying of the driveway mashing the quiet. Sunday drives were the most excitement that you saw, and everything was quiet in your neighbourhood except for the birds chirping.
Now we have sports practices, and Sunday store openings.lawn cutting starts at 7:30, if not earlier, radios are blaring, dogs barking, the neighbourhood rushing everywhere, and it makes me nostalgic for the good old days when Sundays were silent.

Not a oppressive silence, it was family time, we took Sunday drives, watched movies on TV, played outside, went to Church, or Sunday School, and generally had a great time.

What happened to those days? When did it become so popular to cut and trim the grass on Sunday mornings? Let’s bring back the silence of Sunday.
Let’s put away the mowers, the blowers, and the weed wackers, the power tools,… for one day. I know you work all week, and you don’t have time to get to it on Saturday, but lets give it a try.
Relax, let the weeds thrive, let the lawn go lush with the extra days length… cut it one evening when the light is golden. Cut it early Saturday morning if you must, but leave Sunday silent.
Stop working on that noisy project with all of those power tools, turn off the radio, walk the dog, play with the kids, pull out the BBQ, just leave the noise behind.

In the midst of yet another lawn mower starting it’s endless circling of the grass, the noise drifting from a radio blaring, and the incessant dog barking, it makes me yearn to hear the silence of Sunday’s.
What about you?