Granted they don’t actually make raincoats for cameras, but you do understand that this glorious burst of sunshine means we wouldn’t need it anyways. We are on the first step to summer, the staircase of sunshine extending out in front of us. It’s leading to the beach, the BBQ, and bliss.

There is nothing quite like the beginning of a dry spell after rain, fog, and mist for such a long time. Retire that used camera raincoat, and pull up the deck chairs. Not a moment to soon, my poor petunias have received the soaking of too many raindrops. They are drooping, with their anemic, tattered, and down spirited blossoms, hanging limply over the edge of the pots. So to celebrate the last of that liquid clear stuff that fell for so long, here are the Rhodo blossoms. Just now finished up by the sudden heat, they did their best against a soppy downpour. The sheer size of the towering bush, over 12 feet, by 20 feet, reflected a mass of hot pink onto my bedroom walls.

And that camera raincoat? Well you can make one yourself out of a clear shower cap if you need it. Let’s hope that you don’t. Happy Summer. Jane