My Way of Living + Story

Winter is upon us, can spring be far behind

Those last few days when winter blows.
Harsh, unpredictable… unforgiving.
Make you realize that although spring is hovering nearby, winter will not give up yet.

Feathers, and birds nest

Winter is upon us, snow flakes larger ending up on the ground than any others we have seen all season.
White ground, frozen water, gloomy skies.
And then suddenly it will change.
The sun will come out, snow melts away.
Birds sing with such a force it’s easy to disbelieve that winter was even here.
Outside the doors, a feathered orchestra tunes up, each player trying to drown out his competition.
Harmoniously out of tune… bird song is never harsh.

Feathers, and eggsnest

Flying, hopping, fleeing, jumping, dashing, spring is in their hearts.
It’s made them mad, and not in anger.
A cacophony of trilling, cawing, calling, chirping, singing.
Cat’s roam, they know that the birds are careless this time of year.
Sullen eagles perch on dead trees, all the better to see you my dear fine feathered friends.

Feathers, and eggs x 3

Hawks visit feeders left alone the rest of the year.
Deer search the yard for green grass, and are as disappointed as I.
But the feathered ones sing, call, and hope.
Winter may be upon us, but spring is waiting.

dash, Dream, HOPE, Photography, Seasons, and more:

Winter is upon us, can spring be far behind + Story