My Way of Living + Visual

And then my blow dryer died

It’s not bad enough that

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I can’t bend over, or sit for any length of time. I walk like a little old lady with teeny tiny mincing steps… I’m a tall girl, over 6 feet… funny doesn’t begin to describe it. And I am hunched over to the right side like a overly extended question mark. It’s not pretty, I am sure. But to top it all off, my blow dryer, a girl’s very best friend blew up in my hand, just as I was doing tendonitis exercises with it. Good thing I wasn’t that near my hair, or that would have ended up fried too. Sparks were flying, a sad day in my sore back world. My shoulder tendonitis exercises may make me look like one of the village people doing the Y.M.C.A. dance, but they work… and multi tasker that I am, I thought to do them right in the middle of drying my hair. So in a way they saved my mane from catching fire, due to the sparks that were flying. Of course I cried, after all a blow dryer is a curly haired, tall girl’s best defense against looking like a upended frizzy mop… and I’ve been blow drying my hair upside down for decades, [to increase volume] but can’t do it that way because, hey, I can’t bend over due to my sore back… I was rather upset. It was really the final straw in a hurtful week, that seems to be continuing onwards… with some improvement over pain, but my Gumby bendability isn’t there. Let’s just say there is a lot of Bunny Dipping going on here. And that's not referring to chocolate, and marshmallows. Thank goodness for medications, is all I can say. Thanks to all of you who sent well wishes, and prayers for a speedy recovery, they are working well, and much appreciated. I still can’t sit for more then a few minutes.and I find the lap top is awkward to type on while laying I am getting back slowly to your comments. But they mean a lot to me, even more so when I am laid up here, and antsy to get moving more. Owner of a new blow dryer, and less frizzy hair,

Boot, exercise, and more:

And then my blow dryer died + Visual