Winter lies too long in country towns; hangs on until it is stale and shabby, old and sullen. Willa Cather As I was going through some old images from last year, I noticed this series of shots. Taken in March, that was one of the harshest springs we had encountered for many a decade. I have faith that this one coming will be a little less harsh for us. But just thinking that makes me realize that maybe it’s my last easy spring. In Armstrong the springs are short, cold, snowy, and then the next day it’s summer. At least this is what my sister tells me. I am choosing not to believe her. This spring will be bittersweet for us.

We want to move to that country town, where winter will lay long, getting old and sullen, it’s been our dream for such a long time. It’s hard to realize as we look out into the garden now and see snowdrops, that where we want to live will have snow for a long time still. As a gardener I long for those extended seasons, and here I am giving it up. Makes you wonder doesn’t it? But finally being near my family will be worth it.

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