Here we are in White Rock, with the warmest January temperatures ever on record, and there are no garden centers open, except for a year round, hot sauce selling, train running, gift shop oriented, no plants in sight behemoth. Seriously, where are the plants? We gardeners are cruising the streets, trolling the alleys, peering over fences for the first sighting of the crocus, and finding it. But there is no where for us to purchase seeds, wander aimlessly, and joyously, smelling the roses. We are waking with visions of sugar snap peas dancing in our heads, and no where to buy them.

I know that It’s a tough competitive world out there for garden centers, and nurseries of any size. Their share of the garden plot is getting skimpier, and they are fighting harder for it every year. Many of the garden centers around here have either succumbed to the poor economy, or decided to hibernate for a extended season. This may have made sense last year, when we were buried under two feet of snow for a extended period of time. This year spring has dropped in early, and decided to stay awhile. She is a welcome guest. We are standing at the doors and drooling like fools, waiting to spend our money, and there is nothing to buy. Everyone has signs up promising to reopen soon. How soon? When the lilacs are blooming? The way we are going, that might be next month already. Don’t tell me to purchase online, I want to fondle the new green leaves of the budding shrubs. I want to smell the soil around the rhubarb roots, feeling my mouth pucker as I remember the sharp sour taste.

To shorten the winter months, I would love to be able to purchase a flower in a 4 inch pot, but there are no longer any growers selling them. I don’t want a huge six inch over bloomed, days left to survive, pot of daffodils, that every corner store offers, I want green stalks and sweet whispers of yellow. I want a promise, that spring is here, whispering soft breezes, and green colors to me. So where are all the garden centers? This has got to be the biggest business mistake you have ever made. Open up, the hoards are at the doors, and we want our plants! Jane