When we found out that had to have everything packed in such a short time for our move, all of my organizing plans went out the window. Now it seems apparent that everything also went into a black hole labeled “Kitchen Misc.” Because of the rush, gone were the carefully planned spread sheets and color coordinated labels, along with lists and individually numbered boxes. It was crunch time, just put that thing in a box, and tape ‘r shut. It was all about getting boxes, getting stuff into boxes, and getting the boxes into a ever growing pile.

And then I found out that most of the boxes had been stored up side down… for two months, yikes all of my careful packaging, lining with newsprint, and towels, gently laying down each cherished glass, only to find it upside down in the box when I unpacked it. What was the point? If the box had a fragile sticker on it, more then likely it had a foot print on it. I really don’t want to know how that got there. Did they use the box as a step ladder to climb on, to put boxes higher and higher on the pile?… best not to ask.

Just where does the giant black hole store all of my kitchen utensils, my frying pans, and my spoons. Because I am sure that’s where everything is… they certainly are not in my kitchen, or downstairs, or in the garage… or the bedrooms. Believe me, I’ve looked. We have lots of forks, and knives, but only two spoons… go figure. We have too many boxes marked, “Kitchen Misc.” to count, most likely they are not even my boxes, but someone else's. And some where, some one else is opening up boxes of my spoons, and frying pans, and wondering where all of their living room stuff has gone, I am sure of this.

We have two cat litter boxes, and tons of canned food, but we can’t find the batteries for the phones. And where are my frying pans? Any one seen my spoons? I’m sure they are all living it up in the black hole marked “Kitchen Misc.”