Bootsie went out on a Sunday morning, and came back… just not himself. It was quick, and subtle. Normally a not too active cat with a definite routine it was hardly noticeable that at first he wasn’t feeling well. He moved less, slept more, he still ate and drank. It was just before Christmas and with both of us working all hours of the day [or so it felt], it went unnoticed for a day that he wasn’t eating as much as usual. It was when he refused to get up and eat that we got really, really worried. This is a cat that loves his food. The night before the vet visit I woke up every few hours to try and encouraging him to lick water from my finger. When he stopped doing even that, I knew that morning couldn’t come soon enough. Many times I reached over to see if he was still breathing. He didn’t like the car ride at all, going from a languid and limp kitty that looked like he had spent the last few days on a bender and sleeping it off in his wrinkled pyjama's to a howling banshee. Deep muttering moans, cry’s that tore out my heart. The car stalling in the middle of the intersection in the pouring rain, only added to the misery.

At the vet’s he howled, complained, and cried… until the vet entered the exam room. Then in a miraculous change of heart, he stalked the counter tops and purred. Delighted to rub again the vet’s sleeve. “Are you sure he is sick?” “This is how a normal cat acts” I was told, not a sick cat. A temperature of 41 c. [105.8, and high for a cat] confirmed that he was a very sick kitty. Close to convulsions, and dehydrated. They kept him for the day, gave fluids, a antibiotics shot, shaved his neck, and leg for the IV. We were told that most likely he had crossed paths with another virus infected kitty. Loosing the fight was the least of his worries. He perked up the next day, looking for food, drinking water, and purring. But by the end of the week he started to get languid, tired, and just not himself again. Another trip to the vet, disbelief on their faces, “he can’t be sick” he is acting normal.” “I know my cat, he’s sick again, yes he’s eating and drinking, but he is sick again.” Bootsies temperature was a shock to the vet, he didn’t act sick at the office and they couldn’t believe it was that high again. Antibiotics were prescribed, two a day. Don’t believe the videos, or the vet when they show you how easy it is to pill a cat. They don’t have the Boo to deal with. As soon as the antibiotics started to work wonders, he refused to take them. With many foaming mouths, and trips around the living room, lots of pills discarded, we both started to dread 10 am, and 10 pm. But somehow we persevered, and he finished that course of pills, and has fully recovered. The only reminders left are the bald spots on his throat, and leg where they shaved his fur, it refuses to grow back.

We love him dearly, and…now I can understand why some people will pay thousands of dollars at the vet’s just to have their beloved pet well. There was a point in that office, when I would have given anything to have him well, and that is something I never thought I would say. I had always wondered why people choose to go that route. Now I have my answer. If you are a pet person, you will fully understand. If you are not, then there is no need to explain.