I don’t make New Years

resolutions, but I have been tempted into playing with a word to define my upcoming hopes, and dreams for this new year. Normally I don’t do a “word” for the year but I am very impressed by those who can decide on a single word and stay with it. Now if I did have a word for this coming year, not that I do… it would be Balance. In all things I would search for balance, in life, work, recreation, feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

It has a nice ring to it, a very moderate feeling, nothing sliding too far in either direction, maybe it would allow me to catch my breath, move forward, think and see clearly, and be more creative. Maybe it would take the sharp edge off of the hurts the world is going through, the nastiness, the pettiness, the meanness. Change them to something… more balanced.

And then maybe my word could help bring back goodness, kindness, helpfulness, and joy. Balance, we need it this year, more then ever. I know, it’s only a word, but I can hope can’t I?