My heart is just not in it lately…
You know the feeling.
Why, how, what?
Usually it’s the photos that motivate me.
The light, the sun.
On a sunny day, I am superwoman.
With a camera.
Nothing can stop me.
And even after a snowfall, I am enthusiastic.
Heartfelt blogging is easy then.
Just write what you feel.
Look out the window, grab the camera, shoot like it’s your job.
And in some ways it is.
And then, you know the feeling, there are too many things needing your attention, the fresh greens are piled on the porch, the snow is dripping steadily off of the roof onto the back of your neck, the plants left behind in the pots are soggy, and no longer crisply frozen. It’s not like they are beckoning me to go out and create.
So I put it off, for another “maybe it will be nicer tomorrow” kind of day. And it wasn’t, and it might not be for awhile.
In blog land, news of bloggers taking the month off, giving themselves a break.it’s so tempting.
Maybe a easier schedule, one dictated by the heart, not the calendar. Curl up like the cat, and just surf Pinterest.
I’m wavering…
I bet you are too.
We will see.
Enjoy your Sunday.