My Way of Living + Words

Being thankful, and shop local please
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Holidays are so full of expectations, and thoughts of perfection, that sometimes they just can’t live up to the dream, and the resulting crash can be painful unless you learn to let it be what it’s going to be. It’s easy to get carried away with the plans, and preparations so much that you lose sight of the real meaning behind the seasons we celebrate.

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Finding something that you are thankful for, and a bit of gratitude can make it a great day. Whatever this season to means to you, I wish you a day that you dream of, a wonderful time of joy, and peaceful surroundings.

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I know that it sounds more like a Christmas wish, but for so many people this is the start of such a season of busyness, buying, and preparing that I thought I should just slip it in there. So take a moment to reflect on what you have versus what you need, buy local whenever possible, and buying handmade does more good then you know.

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If you are out there shopping, please make sure to give the sales representatives the biggest smile, and a thank you. I’ve been there for so many years, working the holidays, missing the family dinners, tired and ran off of my feet. A smile,, and nice greeting from a customer goes a very long way to making a day more pleasurable, believe me.

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Happy Thanksgiving a day early…

celebrate, family, HAPPY, Life, thankful, and more:

Being thankful, and shop local please + Words