When I used to live in the city I would look out my windows towards the sky and see an apartment across the street. Beyond that if I tried and looked further was a towering high rise, with more to follow it as it reached for the clouds. This is the land of big skies, big land, it’s not something I should forget.

We are living our lives here, and sometimes we don’t realize how vast this area is.

Towering fir trees surround us instead of buildings now, beyond them are mountains. We do not live in shadows, but in sunlight, and fresh air, with birds, and eagles flying over.

It’s easy to forget if you don’t take the time to really look. That’s because this land is full of hills, and valleys, large farms, and small towns. The highway is cut out of solid rock for many miles, and lakes glitter below.

It’s good to get up high, and look as far as you can see…

The land of the big skies. And that’s much better then a apartment in the city for me.