After a day that reminded us it was as if the Earth.
Yes one of those rare kind of days.
All glorious flash, and splendour.
Leaves shining with diamonds, sparkling, newly washed.

One in which we stepped out the door into the warmth of a climate that was gentler outside.
And moved our faces to the sun.
Like flowers in the garden, swaying in the false heat.
We let ourselves believe for one.
Single shining moment.
That this isn’t going to end.
Not ever.
How silly of us.
No, truly it will go on.
Forward forever, like a good old fashioned movie.
One that seemed to take life in slow motion.
With the hero, and the heroine grasping hands and pluckily striding forth towards their destiny.
And we let ourselves believe that yes it would go on forever.
After which we placed our rose colored glasses back firmly on our now pointing forward noses.

And ourselves strode off towards the rest of our day.
Headless of the forecast, the clouds hovering on the edge of the horizon.
Only to return sodden, shivering, and sad, much later.
Because Autumn was hiding a secret.
And not very well at all.
Cracks starting to show through her finery.
Drops of liquid not amber, but clear.
Prickling bare branches taking the stuffing out of her deep velvet cushions of colors.
The tattered lace of browning leaves lifted to reveal.

The underlying smell of decay, borne on a wind.
Our senses seduced, tricked, our eyes believed that this would go on forever.
Lied to, aging quickly.
Turning, losing hope.
Drifting away with each scattered leaf, blown against a trunk. Gathering her skirts, swishing away, and leaving behind the promise of cold to come.
Autumn, you’ve torn your dress on thorns, ripped to shreds the skies.
And soon you will be letting Winter in.
More fools us for believing in what we thought we saw.