After years of garden center work I had been trained to keep a eye out for perfection, beauty, and fine detail. But somehow these faded beauties hanging their bashful heads give me more joy to shoot, then when they were at the peak of perfection. To me they are imperfectly perfect.

I am not sure if you see it this way, but I get as much fun out of a crispy brown hydrangea blossom, as I do shooting it’s stunning blues during mid summer. There is a texture in dying flowers, a deepness of a season passed by. And when the hydrangea turns colors as it passes through the stages, it’s even more beautiful to me. When the leaves of a tree turn color, they shine, they shimmer in the golden light of autumn, and as they fall they evoke a good feeling of seasons to come.

So Autumn, come bring your color, and summer gracefully let go of your days. The fading light, and cooler nights will bring many treasures for us photographers. Our subjects may be fading, but they are imperfectly perfect.