Yes, I know we kicked off a Snow Daze contest yesterday, [be sure to enter at both blogs] and it almost feels silly to be thinking about winter when it’s so hot out. It’s full on, hot summer daze around here, temps are hovering just under 30C. Who’s hot, we are? Who’s not afraid of winter not us. Oh no! Winter? 30 Celsius is hot by any conversion chart, but rest assured according to those who know these things, it’s going to change one of these days and with a bang. Not a whimper, or a slight change of heart, no a bang.

One day it’s 30 C out there, and the next you are waking up feet frozen in your bed, and icicles on your toes. Hmmmm… unless they know something that I don’t and arguably they do, doesn’t summer just fade out, and Autumn waltz in with some sort of grace? I mean icicles on your toes is a little extreme for the beginning of October.

After all I am still collecting the seeds from my annuals, and quite a few of the sunflowers haven’t bloomed yet, so winter cannot be close. Or can it? According to those in the know, “it’s going to be a hard winter” well they [ Just who are they? The people I overhear in the grocery store, that’s who] think that because the Mountain Ash trees have lots of berries it’s going to be colder then normal. And because we had a wet long spring, it’s going to be a hard winter. And baby don’t you forget it… sigh. Whatever.

We have been told that last winter was nothing, –20 Celsius, and a freezing cold wind chill was not nice. Oh great, you mean it gets better? We had snow from December to April, and that’s not enough for you naysayers? Sigh.

Well excuse me while I go and find my winter mitts, scarf, and heating cables for the truck. Don’t forget to join in and predict when we will get our first snowfalls. Snow daze on Muddy Boot Dreams, and Snow daze on Far Side of Fifty. Searching for my mitts…