Sigh. UAAP Season. That time of the year where the battle lines are drawn and people take sides depending on whether they spent time chasing the MC girls in Katipunan or if they practiced parking in impossible conditions over at Taft. As objective as I try to be, my green blood surfaces everytime we go up against the "abhorred" arch-rival and their "reprehensible" bonfires. Although the rivalry is tempered this year because we're fielding the weakest team we have had in ages and we're just getting blown off the court , I was fortunate enough to have had a roster boasting of Ritualo, Cortez and Cardona during my college years. Sigh.

Doesn't get any better than this
I'm pretty sure all the Ateneans and Lasallians will remember that tremendous Adidas campaign last year where they came up with the coolest school jackets ever? These became the must have items of the season, and they became so iconic that it wouldn't be too uncommon to see numerous people wearing them casually to the mall. Guilty as charged here. I had to badger Gingerbread Gal incessantly for one, and I would wear it wherever I went. Even if it was hot! Even if three other people would be wearing the same thing! The mystique of the rivalry and school pride has that effect on people.

Coolest jacket ever.
Well guess what? It's that time of the year again and the folks at Adidas have cooked up something once more for us seasonal UAAP fanatics. Specifically targeting Blue Eagles and Green Archers, Adidas has tied up with Sony in bringing to us the UAAP Fan Wear Collection promo.

I likey.
The mechanics are fairly simple. For every P2,000 single receipt purchase of any Adidas UAAP fan wear, you are entitled to a raffle entry that could win you any of the 12 Sony Vaio W netbooks at stake. As you may or may not know, netbooks are those newfangled micro-sized laptops that marry both portability and performance. Given that the Vaio brand is one of the most reputable in the industry, one is sure to covet its sleek 10.1 LCD screen along with a mammoth-sized 160 GB internal memory. My Compaq Presario is green with envy.
So there. Support your school, get the merchandise from August 17 to September 20 and you could bring home one of em' fancy lappies. I actually like their current "Times change ... but the Brotherhood Remains" campaign. Nice to synergize both old and new players into one intergrated campaign. Now if only we could get those old players to suit up for La Salle again so we'd actually win... ...

One day... ..