Bless their noisy little hearts but it seems we have a few obnoxious people driving back and forth, who need to be given some money to buy a muffler for their decrepit old cars. BBBBBRRRUUUUUUMMMMMMM Pppppfffffddddddttttttttttttt That’s the noisy red car.
AT 5:31 AM why don’t you?
And then again at 5:59, 7:15, and 9:45, AM and PM. And there goes that black truck that makes so much noise. Buddy get some springs… Why on earth do the noisy ones have to go back and forth all day? [These are not pics of the noisy ones].

Down on the coast we had a program called Air Care, in which vehicles had to be certified road worthy before being insured, everyone hated it, and it was expensive, but it worked. None of our little noisemakers would pass up here, we don’t have anything like it here so they have a great time driving old clunkers.

[Just joking] So we, as a neighbourhood are raising funds for a new muffler for the obnoxious people who refuse to spend a pitifully small amount on those noise reducing chunks of metal.

We are going door to door collecting for a good cause, muffler for Mikey, quiet for Kevin, and soundless for Sam.

Care to donate? Can’t hear you, I have ear plugs in…