We all have those dreams, those hopes wishes, and thoughts of how our life was going to be so much better should “that certain something” happen to us. One of my dreams was to have a huge garden, lots of flowers, [got it, should they ever bloom], and lots and lots of veggies.
Shoot for the moon, if you miss
you will land amongst the stars.
So far there is a small veggie garden in our backyard, and it is producing some peas so I guess, dream big, and be happy with the results, what ever they will be.

We had them for dinner last night, they were absolutely delish, the peas, not the stars, and the moon.

I have plans, [we are in negotiation, my husband and I] to build more raised beds in our back yard next spring. You know those conversations, “honey, what do you think of building more gardens in the backyard? Groan… not more gardens, you can’t keep up with what you have now”, yes those kind of conversations.

It would be so much easier to have raised beds in our backyard, then I could just nip out to grab a head of lettuce, some carrots, a few potatoes… a onion or two.

So far he’s not too convinced that more raised beds will give him less grass to cut. I’m working on him. Do you have enough garden space in your life, does anyone? How big a garden is big enough, and how big do you have? With dirty fingers and a happy heart…