I’ve been walking a lot lately with a friend, whom I am going to call TQ. And to help us keep up our enthusiasm we are hitting a different route each time. Yesterdays route was a good hour long, and included some larger, slowly inclined hills. I am feeling very virtuous, but that could just be from the sweat.
It’s fun, and healthy I am sure… but the best part is showing off all of my favourite haunts, tucked away little parks, cute ponds, and great flowers. We went to a park that most likely is a water reserve, right in the middle of the city. Gorgeous rolling hills, and piles of goose droppings everywhere. We didn’t find too many ducklings, or goslings, the ones we did see were adorably gangly. What a great park to have your yard back onto, a full grown trees, birds chirping, sun shining, life is good kind of park. Seemed like a lot of people thought the same thing. The geese loved it to, did I mention that there were piles of goose droppings everywhere? Yes, it was a lot of duck, duck, ohhhhh I stepped in it. Goose stepping everywhere, funny to see all of us with our winter white legs in shorts, doing the goose step. The birds chirped, the geese did their yoga stretches, and the ducks swam in the water.
And we goose stepped.
My Way of Living + YOGA
Duck, duck, goosed