Smitten, head over heels, rapturously in love, with a plant. Ever get hit with a Garden Fever? Just a ordinary plant, you see it around in different places, there’s no spark, but then suddenly you’re in love.

It’s gardening fever. Simply, suddenly, you’re in love. Plants can do that to you.

Take this Hawthorn tree, I’m smitten, over the moon, and suddenly in love with this tree. I want one, two, many more then that. Look at those tiny roses of bloom, they come in Cerise, [hot pink, not shown] light pink, and white. Lovely.

I see them everywhere right now, they are blooming their little hearts out. Craggy dark lined bark, and beautifully green leaves, it seems everyone has them. And I want one, for sure.

Head over heels, suddenly in love.