I love the process of gardening, the planning, the choices that need to be made, the creative parts. My husband as he calls himself, is the labourer, no creative conflicts for him, just show him where to dig, and let him at it. He’s happiest with a shovel, or a rake in his hand, and I am happiest with a plant in mine, and a plan in my head. It’s a match made in heaven…

It’s just that he wants to hurry the process along faster then I can create, and he is always looking toward the finish line. And that’s when we sometimes hit a snag. It’s not that I don’t appreciate his help, because I do, who else is going to lift up chunks of turf like they are feathers, or heave a few boulders into place for me?

But we have this conversation all the time, him, “ are you ready for more soil?” Me, ” no way, I’ve not decided if the beds have a left turning curve, or a right turning rock wall… ”

He is waiting on a load of composted bark mulch for the front beds, but I haven’t got everything planted yet, and he is being patient, but that finish line is looming in his head. Who else makes a entire shade garden bed from the ground up in less then 4 hours, and that’s planted, and watered folks.

He’s a marathoner, and it shows. Me, I’m the creative one, and it shows Bring on that finish line, because together we are a team, and we’ve got a load of bark mulch to lay out. PS: I forgot to ask, how is your get up and move going? Are you? Getting up and moving that is? I am gardening like crazy, picking rocks, and shovelling dirt, so that has to count for something right? Oh and bike rides, derailed the chain, had to walk all the way home… What have you been up to? Jen