My Way of Living + Visual

The great escape, Phil’s a bad influence
5-Pink Rose -6285

Who would have thought that Phil the pheasant would be such a bad influence on the Boo. It wasn’t until the other night when Phil was perched on the chain link fence in the back yard, and a curious Bootsie went to see what this creature was that we had a problem.
Bad Phil, not only are you running around with 4 hens, [you shameless flirt], and having babies right and left, but you’re corrupting my kitty too.

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Phil perched on the fence by the back [good neighbour] gate. It has a slightly larger opening between the gate and the fence, but Bootsie has never been adventurous enough to explore it, until the morning after Phil stopped by.
I was watering the garden beds and Bootsie sauntered up all innocence and black glossy fur, as cats are wont to do. Stopped by the gate, and poked his head through it… when he realized that he could put his head, well the rest of his body followed, and the next thing I knew, he had escaped.

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The jokes on him, because he only escaped into another fenced backyard.
We have great neighbours… but we don’t know them well enough to have Boo running amok in their backyard.

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We wired up the gap, and although the Boo checks it out each time he does his spy kitty rounds… he can’t escape that way.

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Should we try to exit through another gate in the backyard, he is in there like a dirty shirt. Phil you are a bad influence… look what you have done to Boo.
The least you can do is bring your 4 wives and the kids over for a visit.

Boot, Cats, Photography, RUN, running, Rural, and more:

The great escape, Phil’s a bad influence + Visual