We love Phil the flirt, [pheasant], he’s been very predictable early mornings in the backyard at the bird feeder, he would show up with the girls, they would peck around for a hour, sleep in the garden, and move on. Phil would return around dinner time to challenge his reflection in the shiny chrome bumper of the truck. It was fun to watch him strut across the front yard, towards the strange male bird who never seemed to leave until he did.

But sadly, Phil the pheasant’s been missing for a few weeks, and we didn’t realize how much we miss his cawing in the background until we no longer heard it. The girls went missing also, it might have something to do with nesting season. He was gone, we asked around, but no one had seen him. It saddened me, we love seeing Phil, and just like that he was gone.

I will say I was driving the roads nearby wondering if he was laying in a ditch… that guy took forever to cross the road, and there are many speeders here.

Phil came back after 3 weeks, surprised us and the Boo, who was doing his after dinner Secret Spy Rounds. Boots was wandering the fence line keeping his nose to the ground, sniffing the “exciting only to kitties” smells that he is so intent on following, and Phil flew up on the fence. We were watching from the house, sorry about the quality of the shots, but they were taken through my studio window at a angle.

Boots rounded the corner behind the garden shed, and walked right under Phil who was sitting on the fence. Bootsie never even noticed Phil.

Phil just sat and watched Boo do his evening walk, and when Boo got too close the second time, he flew away. Phil the flirt is back, and we couldn't be happier.