Dear FB, I think we need to break up, and while normally you might expect me to say it’s me, not you because that’s what people usually say when they want to break up a relationship… oh no it’s not you, it’s me. But you know what, this time it’s you, not me.

I’m growing apart, losing my focus, losing my patience with you. Because you know what FB, it is you.
Yes this is your fault, not mine.
I tried in the beginning, even when the smart part of my brain said, no don’t go there, it’s not for you. Don’t jump on that bandwagon, don’t fall for those alluring stats, the thought of being part of a community that “gets” you.
I envisioned myself dropping witty comments, and sprinkling “likes” throughout my newsfeed. Thought that signing up was going to make my life better, widen my circles, give me more exposure for my blog.
FB I fell for you, and hard. We spent time together, we laughed, we joked, we were serious together, we did some good stuff, I really thought we had a great thing going.
I thought we had something special.
But I found out that you were fickle, you wandered, you lost interest in my page when I was too busy to post more then once a day. If I missed a day, I felt left behind, forgotten. You only loved me when it suited you.
When I read my stats I was disappointed with you FB… you used to show my posts to so many more people, now only 7 to 10 people see my post? Why should I bother?
And you were not totally honest with me FB, I thought that you would only share my posts, and comments, but not my information. I feel betrayed, and annoyed, I put time into you FB, real time that I could have spent doing something more rewarding, like… well shaving my legs!

Then you had the nerve to sneak in other pages into my news feed, asking me to “like” them.
Shame on you FB… you, you two timer! I thought we were exclusive.
Some times there were so many “suggested likes” cluttering up my feed that I had to scroll down forever to find someone I recognized.
It feels like all I ever see are cats, cartoons, and comments, where are all the rest of the pages that I like? What happened to all of the creative people? The small business, the interesting things that I “liked.”
I knew it was all over when I kept seeing the same pages, over, and over. I would click on the button telling you that “Idon’twanttoseethis” numerous times, but you just didn’t learn. There they were, the same posts again the next day.
How much should a girl take before she has to realize that it’s all over.
How much did you understand about me? Did you ever listen when I filled out those endless surveys? Do you like this, do you like that?
I’m into photography, enamoured with it. Passionate about it, and I work hard at getting a good photo. Did you know that, did you care?
FB what you did to my images was just plain mean. You thwarted me at every turn, you squished, squashed, and blurred my images until they were barely recognizable compared to what I had originally uploaded.
You obviously didn’t care about what I did, the time spent on improving them meant nothing to you. Just when I thought I knew exactly what size would look the best, you would change something, tweak it a bit, and they looked bad again.
FB you're a full time, high maintenance relationship. It’s difficult keeping up with your mercurial changes, your security fixes, your super secret ways of deciding what is on my news feed.
It seems that every few days I read someone's post telling me how you have gone and switched settings again, blasting my previously private information out there into the public domain. And if I didn’t make those changes immediately then every secret that I had whispered to you would be revealed.
How nice is that FB? That’s just another reason I want to break up.

I think.
I’m not completely sure if I want to leave, it’s nice to see my friends, and the pages I “like”, [when you feel like showing them to me], but it’s getting harder to find updates, what kind of relationship is that? This is starting to feel like a sinking ship.
If I stay FB, we need to set some ground rules, you need to change, or I am out of here, off to the other ones, Google + Pinterest, Instagram.
I know where I stand with them, they like my photos, they put everything I post into the news feed… no pleading, and I don’t have to buy my way in.
Pinterest loves me, and Instagram is welcoming me with open arms… I’m tired of being ignored FB.
I’m going to give you one more chance, but I want you to understand this, it’s you, not me. If you don’t start to make a effort, well, there are a lot of other fish in the sea, and plenty of room in their boats.