The few spring like days that we have had so far have mostly been allocated to spring cleaning on the deck. It’s surprising to see just how much dirt, and mess a winter of rain can make. And it’s finally time to do some pruning, tidying up, and some repotting. Repotting perennials is a little like being popular, everyone wanting you to dance with them. Take one plant out of it’s pot, another is shouting out, I’m squished in here, help me out. Let’s do the shimmy. And you always seem to end up with more plants then pots, along with someone sitting out the dance. Then it’s time to make the hard decision to give the plant away to a gardener with a bigger garden, or try to quickly find another large pot. So many times I have had to temporarily resort to black plastic bags as a home until the perfect pot shows up, or the next plant in the line up decides to move on. When a perennial doesn’t make it through the winter, [and many didn’t in the last few years] we hold a very quick funeral, digging through the soggy mess to determine if I have actually saved the tag, and can identify it. There is a moment of sadness, and then it’s off to the compost pile. Unhappy plant, happy worms. And this way there is always room for another.
My Way of Living + RUN
Spring Cleaning