You know those jobs that call

out to you as you pass by? The counters that could use a swipe, the curtain that needed to be straightened, the clothes that should be folded and put away? I ignored them all today… and went outside to putter in the garden. Puttering is all I can do out there, the garden muscle being the husband and he was otherwise engaged.

There isn’t a lot that I can do that doesn’t require back power… it’s not worth it to hurt it again, now that it’s almost healed. But those little outside jobs call to me “move me”… sighs the sad little clump of creeping phlox, “it’s too dry here. “Stake me” yells the Peony, “I’m starting to grow too tall for you to do it later.” “Divide us so we can bloom this summer,” calls the daylily.

And so I putter, bend slowly, get up even slower. Learning to creep, and crouch, squat when lifting anything… what a sight I must be. Who digs holes in the ground when they are down near the ground? Me, it’ s better that way, there is less stress on my back.

Once I sit down, I get up slightly stiff and somewhat slower then usual, but oh so happy to have those little puttering jobs all organized before the weather gets too hot. Or the mosquitoes come out to play… which ever comes first.

So, sorry if I am lagging behind in returning your comments, but I get there as soon as I can to visit your blog. The flowers in the garden are calling too loudly, and I have to keep them happy.