Saturday morning we were

on our way to the farm to take some photos of the first day of asparagus picking, but my husband needed to stop and get a coffee. He wheeled into the parking lot intent on his java, and we found it full of older men with great big smiles on their faces, a wide variety of colourful farm machinery, and other “guy style treats.” There were noises, smoke, exhaust, and engines running, antique cars parked and one full of gleeful old guys wheeling around the parking lot.

Fascinating collections of old tools, washing machines, and smiles, lots of “oh isn't’ this fun smiles on older male faces.” Boy’s toys…

As my husband disappeared into the store, I thought about taking a few shots with my camera phone, and then remembered that I had my big Canon with me.

What a treat, colors, noises, smiles, back patting, and hand shaking was going on all around.

One gentleman made eye contact and I asked who I should be talking to about permission to shoot some photos. “Oh that’s me, it’s my birthday and these are all of my friends.” He explained to me that years ago his wife told him he couldn’t take the day off on his birthday, so every year he gets all of his friends to drop by the store, with their steam engines, tractors, engines, and anything else old.

They celebrate in style, lots of smoke, exhaust, noise, and camaraderie. Now that’s what I call a birthday celebration.