My Way of Living + Style

2010 04 11 032

I’ve been away from blogging dealing with some “stuff” lately. Not any of it has anything to do with photography, which makes me kind of forlorn. But not all of life can be about following your bliss. Or can it? Somehow, and I have no idea how this happened a new laptop followed me home from work the other day. And just like the cat demanding food at 4:00 am in the morning, it has been taking up much of my free time, and it just won’t give up until it gets it. We are new to computers, having only had a PC for just over 3 years now. The feeling that we were the only people left in the world without immediate access to the internet was becoming overwhelming. Every time we called a service provider, or a bank, they would mention the internet. “Ah, we don’t have a computer,” we would say, one guy even went so far as to ask how we managed to live from day to day without one. That was a little bit of a deciding factor towards getting one.

2010 04 11 031

Owning a computer for the first time is a little overwhelming when you need to learn to decipher “geek.” Applications, programs, bit’s and bytes? What? Are bit’s and bytes not those crunchy snack food? And applications, isn’t that for a job? Also what’s with those keyboards on the lap top? They are different then my PC, I keep hitting a long line of ///////////, when I want to hit the left hand shift key. At first I thought there was something wrong with the program, and then, I realized that all I needed to do was reprogram my brain to reach over to the far left when I want to hit the shift key.

2010 04 11 036

This blog post was not typed on the laptop, no one wants to read a lot of ///////////////!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%%%%%%%, instead of what I intended to write. But I am seriously hoping that one day in the near future, I will be able to figure out what all the fancy buttons mean, and actually type out something on it. One day maybe, but for now I have to go, my kitty/laptop is demanding to be fed. Jane.

Blog, Blogging, food, Inspiration, RUN, and more:

Networking? + Style