Oh, I am in trouble, big, deep trouble… I thought I had the problem licked, but it seems it has just gotten worse. When I go to a nursery it’s as if I am looking around and saying, “I’ll take one of everything,” in fact make that multiples of everything please.

I was too smug, thought I had gotten the spring fever out of my system after buying loads of plants. They were hanging out on our front porch because we are still getting unpredictable shots of frost at night. And I thought that somehow I had managed to fill that internal quota and need for more plants that spring keeps upping.

And then I was shopping in the almost big city with my Sister, and being a little smug, “oh see how controlled I am, watch me not buy too much” and it hit me. I now have a yard, yes fellow gardeners A YARD. And we all know what that means, more plants.

Where before I had to hold my self back, [to just over 200 containers at one time] now I have a yard, and more room, real dirt, real garden beds, and unlimited imagination. Just think, forsythia, lilac, fruit trees, berries, shrubs, evergreens we can fit them all in. Summer bulbs, check, veggies, check, herbs, check, fall flowering shrubs, check, spring flowering shrubs, check, winter interest shrubs, check… oh my… I am in deep trouble. But who cares, I’ll take one of everything. And I have a little confession to make, but that’s for another day.