I am literally heartbroken, over the little bird laying on the soil outside my window. Some wouldn’t care, others might not bother, but it makes me cry. So small, so still, it doesn’t look like this one will make it this time… it’s wings are folded close to it’s body, and it has stopped shuddering. Since last week we have had at least a bird a day hit this window, it’s shocking, worrisome and I feel as if despite all of my efforts to remain a green gardener I am decimating the bird population around my house.
That’s the birds that I know about at least, who knows how many have lain there in shock, all the ones we saw hit the window have flown away, this one I am not so sure of. A Google search explains that the birds might think our large window is a portal to freedom, a escape from the crows. The startling noise, the bang, the actual force as the bird hits the window is large. I am reading that the bird feeder should either be closer or farther away from the window. I don’t know that it will help, the birds, they still feed near the window, from the plants.
We do have a bird feeder, and have moved it even further away, we love the birds, but I won’t be the one responsible for them dying in my yard.
We will search out those glaring window decals that might save a life, it’s worth it. I can’t stand the bang, the thump, the fall… anymore. I am considering putting painters tape up on the window, or a garden netting something to stop this carnage. I have also heard that a owl or a hawk sticker will work. If you have any suggestions that work, please let me know. Heartbroken.