My Way of Living + Style

Simple ID’s for seed sowing

It’s almost time for some of us to start our seeds, some later, others earlier. If you are like me, the joy of seeds is in the purchasing of the brilliantly colored packages, in seeing them sprout, not so much the actual planting, and waiting. And somehow every year I managed to mix things up a little too much, moving a batch of seedlings from one tray to another, or mixing up the pots by accident. There was the one time that Bootsie ran wild, and knocked off the seed pack from it’s bamboo skewer, and I couldn’t remember which was which. When you live in close quarters, every inch counts, and I don’t have the luxury of spreading my seed pots out in different trays. So I was happy to find a solution that worked very well for me. Having lots of colored scrap paper, I created a master tag color for each type of seed. Then every pot with that seed had the same color tag in it. The tags lasted well into the growing season, in fact I had to remove them before planting. After watering they don’t look so pristine, but who cares, the color is the key. This is one of those “it’s so easy, why didn’t I think of this years ago” situations. Give it a try, and let me know how it works for you. No matter how many times the pots get shuffled around, the tags stay intact, just refer to the master sign, and you will always know which pot is which. And it sure beats upside down seed packets on bamboo skewers.

Garden, HAPPY, Inspiration, and more:

Simple ID’s for seed sowing + Style