My Way of Living + Things

Macro lens lessons

What I have learned from my new 100 mm macro lens. That I really need a heavy duty tripod just like the experts say, after all that is why they are the experts. And the sight of my camera falling forward due to the weight of the lens is just not nice. That I need to do a lot more arm curls, like Gar says, after all he is the work out expert. Then maybe that sore spot in my arm will go away. That no matter how long you can hold your breath while taking a shot, inevitably when you let it out is when you will click the shutter. That the details in life are just as important as the big picture. That no matter how expensive the lens was, it was worth it.

That Gar is getting a little tired of being my photographic model. His saying "No, not again" every time I pick up the camera has given it away. That getting the lens is not going to make me a better photographer instantly, I need to practice, practice, practice. After which, I might finally have a good enough shot to show you. These are all from the telephoto lens. That's what I have learned from my macro lens.

Life, Performance, Photography, and more:

Macro lens lessons + Things