Christmas is over, I’ve noticed those who are taking down the decorations, and removing the tree already.
Turning the house back into something of order, for another year.
For those of us who don’t decorate until the week before Christmas, and put the tree up on the Eve of… it’s still a few days to go.

There are those who leave their seasonal decor up until February… but to each their own.
I personally will leave our creamy white lights up until the days lengthen enough to close the curtains just before dinner.
“Call me a rebel, why don’t you.”
But with grey foggy days, and a whopping 14 inch snowfall of fluffy white stuff between yesterday, and today, I think I am justified.
They’re wrapped around the bench on the front porch… not too Christmassy to leave up for a little while longer.
Lately I’ve noticed that every time I take my down fill jacket off, there always seems to be a feather stuck somewhere on my clothes…
Could I be moulting?
A small price to pay for comfort, and warmth… because the snow is unpacking even more cold weather from it’s suitcase… it’s going to be brrrrr cold they tell us.
What’s it like where you live, a cold winter, or is it balmy for this time of the year?
Take a look at the photos in this post, I took them yesterday, add about another 5 or 6 inches to that and you should be around what we are looking at today.

Something really interesting has happened this winter.
It’s now our 3rd winter… and the first one that I have really opened my heart to.
Fully experiencing it in all it’s bitterness, darkness, and braving the outdoors as much as I can.
“The cold is rather delightful, I know… I’m in shock that I wrote that also.”
Even when it’s really, really cold, such as back in November. I try to walk outside as much as I can. Here’s how I see it, there are no mosquitoes… although it does make gardening a little hard, when it’s all hidden under that white stuff.
But it’s doable this year… I’m starting to wonder if I am acclimatizing.
And I am no longer lamenting the lack of things to photograph… or the lack of light.amazing what a positive, determined, talking to your inner photographer will do for your outlook.

The Halloween pumpkins we had saved were cracked open and tossed into the trees in the front yard, right next to the bird feeder. They are there for the deer, who really appreciate the nibbles when it’s this cold.
And then the other day we saw two deer sauntering out in front of our house in the middle of the day, I would have taken a photo but…
“They were late for lunch up the road, and not willing to hang around for me to get my camera.”
As they passed through the trees, I could almost imagine that they were Santa’s reindeer, they looked similar, and they paid no attention to the cars coming down the street.
Winter will demand it’s payment in January… due date much sooner then we expected… the weather will be cold and snowy.
But I have a few tricks up my down covered sleeve also, so take that Winter!
What about you? Are you dreading the next few wintery cold months, or will you just breeze through it?
Thinking warm thoughts, and sipping hot chocolate.