My Way of Living + Style

Life is better, walking in the park

It is rare to have a sunny day here in November, it's mostly rain. So we made sure to utilize the extra light of a sunny day by visiting our favorite spot, Crescent Park. Life is better, walking in the park. It seems like the rain has brought a few clouds into every one's life lately. We went to enjoy the feel of beautiful sunligh t shining on our skin. There is a actual warmth from the sun, that contrasts against the crisp Autumn air. During the week day the park is secluded, silent excep t for ducks quietly bobbing for food, and squirrels darting through trees. There are few other walkers, and if you don't come across them you can almost imagine that it is your own beautiful acreage that you are traversing. We explored new trails, and discovered a few more bridges. Searched out fungi wrapped in winter shrouds of fallen leaves.

Together we stood still for a moment and drank it all in. The leaves that stubbornly refused to let go of branches, the greenness of the moss. The reflection of branches on pond water. And came away happier. After all, life is better after walking in the park.

food, Inspiration, Nature, and more:

Life is better, walking in the park + Style