Every beginning is a consequence — every beginning ends some thing. ~Paul Valery
We are experiencing transitional weather lately. After weeks of unseasonable rain, we now have warm days, and even warmer nights. Summer is grasping at the last of the petals on the sunflowers. Unwilling to let go, not that I can blame her at all. I find myself grasping at things also. Now that we have made the decision to move, and know that it will be sometime next spring, I worry. I wonder, I wish. Worry about how much work it will take to make our little condo saleable, wonder who will buy it, wish that we were just up there already. Life would be so much easier if you could just do a “I dream of Jeanie” and nod your head, and have it done. Everyone says that moving is the hardest thing they have done. The last moves I made were as a single girl, one pickup load, and two family members. Now I have acquired wonderful treasures in my life… a husband, a cat, love. So what am I worrying for? Transition and worry are the ones that take up all the space in the moving van. But love doesn’t take up much room, I should have no worries about that.